blue two-faced rabbit
Kafka (my mascot) has turned into a blue two-faced rabbit. I forgot my black gloves, so I bought some blue ones in a Spanish store. Spanish people don`t seem to like black disposable gloves, thus they are not on sale. The rabbit part was inspired by an art workshop I heard about in Alcala de Henares, a friend of mine had attended it. During those hours of creativity she had turned plastic bags into flowers, beautiful flowers. I love this kind of awareness training. When I went home, I looked at my blue glove, blew air into it, knotted the end, to keep the air in and started to twist and knot the fingers. At the end I had a very cute two-faced rabbit. His name is still Kafka of course. Kafka will take on many shapes on this trip, for now I stick with the blue two-faced rabbit. A very light weight mascot to travel with.